The Pantry at Hamilton Church is a non-profit food charity providing basic food supplies for families and individuals in the local community. Operated entirely by volunteers, we aspire to make good food affordable and accessible. The Pantry operates at the Hamilton Seventh-day Adventist Church. We are working in conjunction with Foodbank NSW and Second Bite to supply people with both fresh and packaged foods to help them through difficult times.
The pantry is open once a week on Thursdays at 105 Lindsay St, Hamilton. The gate opens at 4:00pm. Any assistance in connecting us with beneficiaries or potential supporters would be greatly appreciated. For more information email
We also currently have a 'Pop up' Pantry running weekly at 10am- 11:30am on Fridays at Hamilton Community Centre (29 Fowler St, Hamilton South)- come and join us!
Want to Volunteer?
Please visit:
The information you sign up with is not visible to other volunteers, only Pantry organisers.

Want to Donate?
The Pantry can function only through the support of volunteers and donations. Thank you for helping us continue this work. Together we can make in impact in people's lives.
You can direct deposit into the account below.
Account Name:
Seventh Day Adventist Church Hamilton
BSB: 032505
Account Number: 144911
Registered not for profit charity 42885958158

Anyone in need of food.
You don't need a health care card.
Hamilton Adventist Church
105 Lindsay St, Hamilton
Pop up pantry: Hamilton South Community Centre
29 Fowler St, Hamilton South
Every Thursday
4pm - 5:30pm
Pop up Pantry: every Friday
10am- 11:30am
What to Bring?
Bring shopping bags.